Air Force 1
Air Force One Carrying The President Of The United States

President Clinton
President Clinton greeting WaterWorks America President Bruce Wirtanen

Holding WaterWorks
The President of the United States holding WaterWorks Crystals®. The President was already aware of WaterWorks Crystals® remarkable ability to save water.

President Bush
President George W. Bush and Mrs. Bush have created water initiatives around the world to save water. WaterWorks America, LLC received a number of invitations from the White House for its work in saving water.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is aware that severe water shortages are causing conflicts throughout the world that could soon escalate into water wars. WaterWorks Crystals® can save 50% of any nations fresh water.

Senator George Mitchell
Senator George Mitchell the Current Mideast Peace Envoy knows that peace depends on fair and equal treatment of water rights as well as human rights

Admiral Will Crowe
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. WaterWorks America works with Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of the Army, US Army Corps of Engineers, Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Commerce and many other government agencies.

Ron Brown
Ron Brown US Secretary of Commerce - 100% of all WaterWorks America products are created, developed, and made in the USA.

Commander Jim Lovell
Apollo 13 Commander Jim Lovell says you can clearly see desertification and drought conditions from space

Prince Bandar
Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, where water is more expensive than oil. In the largest country in the world without a single river, even a single day without desalination plants would cause unthinkable hardship. WaterWorks Crystals® save and store water.

Why are so many people interested in WaterWorks Crystals®?
Non Toxic WaterWorks Crystals® absorb hundreds of times their
weight in water, storing it and saving it. WaterWorks Crystals®
then time release that water to any plant, tree, bush, shrub, or
crop for days or weeks in between waterings

Water By Its Very Nature is lost to percolation due to gravity;
something that could not be overcome until WaterWorks Crystals®.

Non Toxic WaterWorks Crystals® Overcome the Force of Gravity.
WaterWorks Crystals® act like thousands of tiny water holding tanks,
or water reservoirs, absorbing, storing and saving water that would normally
be lost through percolation due to gravity.

The Miracle of WaterWorks Crystals®
The Miracle of WaterWorks Crystals® is that they overcome the force of
gravity and keep water in the root zone, right where plants or trees can
use it through normal capillary action.
Designed by Water Engineers, Soil Scientists, and Agriculture Experts
Designed by Water Engineers, Soil Scientists, and Agriculture Experts,
WaterWorks Crystals® were developed to work with nature, not against it
Here are some examples of how it will work at the most important location...Yours

South African Greenhouse
South African Greenhouse. Note the difference in growth with
WaterWorks Crystals® used on the right versus untreated plants on the left.
The yield and profits to the grower are unmatched by any other method on earth.

A US Nursery
A US Nursery shows the difference between treated plants on the right,
and untreated plants on the left. WaterWorks Crystals® give grower
greater yields, and larger profits. It's all about the economics.

Tea Plants in Indonesia
Tea Plants in Indonesia. Tea plants take 5 years before they reach maturity
and can survive on their own. If a drought hits the grower can suffer the loss
of his entire crop, which will then have to be re-planted. WaterWorks Crystals®
can prevent this loss.

UAE Crown Prince Farms
UAE Crown Prince Farms Japanese Apples. Shows
ease of treating established trees

WaterWorks Crystals® have treated these trees since 1992
WaterWorks Crystals® have treated these trees since 1992,
savings thousands of gallons of water per year, and thousands
of dollars after a single application. One example of how long
WaterWorks lasts in the soil.

Eucalyptus Seedlings in a Greenhouse
Eucalyptus Seedlings in a Greenhouse show no WaterWorks
on the left, 1 Kg. per cubic yd. in the middle, and 2 Kgs. per cubic yd. on right.

In Actual Field Use Palm trees in Malaysia
In Actual Field Use Palm trees in Malaysia No WaterWorks were used on the left,
1 kilogram in the middle,and 2 Kgs. on the right after 5 years.
The Return on investment of a few dollars per tree is 6 months or less,
while non toxic WaterWorks Crystals® last for years in the soil.

Spreading WaterWorks Crystals® is Easy
Spreading WaterWorks Crystals®
for growing and farming is this easy

After Spreading
After Spreading WaterWorks Crystals®
simply cover, plant, and cut watering in half.
Eggplant The Results Even in Hot, Harsh, Climates
Eggplant The Results Even in Hot, Harsh, Climates.
Plants will grow on average 8% to 22% faster,
with 50% less water, labor, and chemicals, with far better survival rates.

In Kuwait temperatures can average over 120 degrees
In Kuwait temperatures can average over 120 degrees.
Under government supervision an attempt was made
to grow grass. WaterWorks Crystals® were first applied under the ground.

Grass Plugs Were Planted
Grass Plugs Were Planted, and under government supervision, and water metering, watering
was cut by more than 50%.

After 6 Weeks
After only 6 weeks. Using 50% less time, labor, and water, in harsh desert conditions,
here are the results. Thousands of gallons of water were saved.

If WaterWorks Crystals® work so well
If WaterWorks Crystals® work so well under these conditions at these locations,
don't you think you should try it at the most important location?.... Yours